Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Monroe, Louisiana: Get the Help You Need

Southern Oaks Addiction Recovery (SOAR) is a safe and supportive environment for individuals and families to begin the process of recovering from chemical dependency. This disease is primary, chronic, progressive and fatal if left untreated, and it affects the whole family. SOAR offers gender-specific therapy groups and 24-hour intake capabilities on a first-come, first-served basis. All applicants will be evaluated to determine their eligibility for admission.

Rates are calculated according to a sliding scale of rates, and no one will be denied services due to inability to pay. For those with serious problems related to addiction, including underlying mental health problems and co-occurring mental health disorders, an inpatient treatment center is the best option for treating physical dependence and the increased risk of withdrawal symptoms. The Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center in Monroe, LA provides traumatic therapy and may include Alcoholics Anonymous Louisiana or Louisiana Narcotics Anonymous programs or alumni programs. When selecting from the many abuse treatment programs and rehabilitation centers, it's important to ask about addiction treatment programs or partnerships with aftercare programs near you in Monroe. Detoxification refers to the process of getting rid of medications that are already present in the system once the patient stops taking them. If you need help finding drug or alcohol rehabilitation programs for inpatients in your area, contact the Better Addiction Care helpline or call a Monroe drug rehabilitation center directly. Inpatient addiction treatment centers in Louisiana can help you detoxify, and their addiction treatment programs can help you overcome the reasons for addiction at the same time.

These services may include homes for sober people in Monroe or the surrounding area, reduced treatment plans, partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient care plans, group counseling, counseling about mental illness, or individual therapy in an outpatient setting. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse issues in Monroe, Louisiana, there are many options available to help you get on the path to recovery. With the right information and resources, you can find the best treatment program for your needs. At SOAR we understand that substance abuse is a serious issue that requires professional help. Our team of experts is here to provide you with personalized care and support throughout your journey to recovery. We offer a variety of services including gender-specific therapy groups, 24-hour intake capabilities, sliding scale rates for those who cannot afford treatment, and access to aftercare programs.

We also provide detoxification services as well as individual and group counseling sessions. Our goal is to help you find the best treatment program for your needs so that you can get on the path to recovery.

Ervín Ferencz
Ervín Ferencz

Hardcore zombieaholic. Bacon expert. Passionate travel guru. Incurable coffee expert. Certified bacon nerd. Subtly charming travel ninja.

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